Magic Tricks Tutorial - Magic Cotton:
- A New Way To MAKE FIRE, When Matches, Or Even a 9v Battery Wont Do...
Materials Need:
- Superglue - click here to buy
- Cotton wool/ thread/ Fabrics - click here to buy
- First put the cotton into metal dish.
- Add lots of superglue, then you will begin to see white vapor coming from the cotton.
- do not breath it in, it is very dangerous!
- After a few minutes your material will start to get warm.
- And begin to "Sizzle"!
- Make sure you do this outside you can try it yourself but be careful!
Magic Tricks Tutorial Explanation/Reveal Magic Tricks:
- Magic secrets revealed, in this chemistry magic tricks there is a spontaneous combustion effect when you add the superglue to the cotton and this will burn for a long time again don't breath in the fumes!
wah really cool. have to wear mask so can't breathe it in, LOL! but overall, very cool !