Magic Tricks Tutorial - Magic Candle:
- We show you how to make a candle that you CANT BLOW OUT ! Guaranteed to be a great laugh at parties.
Materials Need:
- Magnesium - click here to buy
- Wax - click here to buy
- String - click here to buy
- Cut a length of string.
- File the magnesium and collect the dust.
- Now melt some wax
- After melting the wax, add the string.
- Next roll the string that is coat in wax in the dust of magnesium.
- Pour the wax into a tube.(The remaining wax that was melted earlier)
- Then dip your string is in the tube again and again.
- Slowly the wax will be builds up
- Until you will have your candle!
- When the magic candle is blown out, the ember glows igniting the magnesium to re-lighting your candle. Have fun!
- Magic secret revealed, in this chemistry magic tricks the magnesium is the main cause of self-lighting. Magnesium is a highly flammable metal, but while it is easy to catch fire when powdered, it is difficult to set fire in mass. Once ignited, it is difficult to extinguish.